June, 20, 2009
Judge Greene
New London Probate Court
181 State St., P. 0. Box 148
New London, Ct. 06320
Re: Mary A. Gennotti
Dear Judge Greene
As instructed, in a letter, by my attorney, (name omitted),I am enclosing documented evidence to support my objection to the admission of the will dated March 4, 2004. The will contains at least two errors and Mary would have only endorsed it under duress. I challenge any legal action, or document, she was pressured to endorse after August 2003, including her marriage on Feb. 27, 2009. The evidence to support these allegations is overwhelming.
It is in the interest of the court to investigate the abduction and incarceration of Mary. Why would Mary engage in legal action, police investigations, restraining orders, and spend about fourteen thousand dollars for a divorce to remarry Frank just days before her death? She was heavily medicated and unable to sign her name. A few months before, while a patient in L & M hospital, she could not recognize close relatives. Also, those involved did not place her legal name on the marriage license. This is more than curious.
Her death was kept a secret; no relatives, including her son Bob, were notified. The funeral parlor was told not to give out any information. A party was held after her burial at ocean beach and they were instructed to keep it quiet. Why? Only several days after her death did her relatives find out, by a private source. A death notice was not even placed in the local newspaper.
Mary was well aware that a conspiracy existed to get her over to Ann Tefft’s house and that is why she refused, many of her sons Frank, Jr’s, dinner invitations. On Aug. 27, 2003 the opportunities arouse. Mary called Frank, Jr. to take her out to dinner. She said she would be home later. Frank, Jr. made an unusual remark as he left, “I will do anything for my father.”
Later that evening, Frank, Jr. came over and said that Mary was staying at his girlfriend’s house on Perry St. and needed a few personal items and would return home tomorrow. The next day he came over with a truck, his girlfriend, a guy and demanded all of her items including her T. V. I took photos of the event. He said Mary was getting an apartment on Perry Street, in a building his girlfriend’s brother owns. He had taken Mary directly to Ann Tefft’s house and had lied about it. (He testified in court that Mary did not know he was taking her there.) I learned later that he had talked to Bobby Joe and threatened to kill him. Prior to this, he came to the house; several times arguing with Mary to give him the money she had in Merrill Lynch. He told her he could make a lot more money selling cars then Merrill Lynch could make her.
Within one month of her abduction her Merrill Lynch account was sold at a loss of thirteen thousand dollars. A few months later the forcing of a new will, and then a ridiculous law suit purporting to be from Mary but known to be from Ann Gennotti Tefft. She had already sued Frank, Jr., three Uncles and threatened to sue Bobby Joe.
Frank Jr., was sued for breaking Ann’s nose during one of her attacks on her mother. Mary ran from her house during this attack and was attacked again on the sidewalk, in front of her house. Ann’s nose was broken by her brother Frank, Jr. He told me that, “I didn’t break her nose by punching her in it. Ann had her hands so tight around my mother’s throat that I couldn’t pry them loose. I broke it by punching her in the jaw.” Mary was taken to the doctor to receive treatment. In November of 1988 Ann held a loaded gun to Mary’s head and threatened to shoot her.
When Mary was a patient at L& M for a head injury, sustained in a car accident, Ann attacked her and was banned from the hospital. Ann returned and informed hospital staff that the neurological group had given her permission to return. The group was called and they said she was not given permission and when she refused to leave the hospital had to get two security guards to carry her out. When she was allowed back she had to have hospital supervised visits. During the five weeks Mary was a patient her husband never visited her.
If you need additional proof of the relation ship between Mary and Ann there is the testimony of two neighbors, in the law suit, which will provide it. Also, at Mary’s deposition she stated that she, Mary, had never seen the law suit until the day before.
My purpose is to obtain justice for Mary something she, tried to get, but, couldn’t acquire in life. I provide the names of the following attorneys who knew Ann as additional proof.
Sheila Horvitz, 208 Otrobando Ave., Norwich, Ct. 889-5529
Humbert J. Polito, Jr., 567 Vauxhall St. Ext., Waterford, Ct. 447-3300
Ralph Bergman, 110 Broadway St. Norwich, Ct. 887-2563
Thomas W. Boyce, Jr., 216 Broad St., New London, Ct. 442-9900
Michael Petrides, June 1994, a court counselor/mediator met with Ann on several occasions and said she had a seriously disturbed mind and there would be no joint counseling or meeting between Ann and us, Robert, David, and Melvin. He felt Ann would make a joint meeting confrontational and maybe dangerous, he said she had become fixed on this issue and part of the disorder was that she couldn’t accept any responsibility for the fact that her mother didn’t want to see her and not being able to blame herself. He described Ann’s condition as psychotic which he said was a very serious mental disorder. He said she had the classic symptoms. He said she presented a danger to us and would probably never let up. He added that Ann needed intensive therapy, and possibly institutional commitment. The above was by order of a court decision and a report should be at Attorneys at Law. Moynahan, Ruskin, Mascolo, Minnella, & Crozier, 141 East Main St., P.O. Box 2242, Waterbury, Ct.06722-2242.
As you can see, I went through several old files, at great effort, to provide the evidence. If you feel you need additional evidence I can be reached at(Tele:# omitted). Included, is at least twenty one pages of evidence in Mary’s handwriting and one police report. This is just the tip of the iceberg.
Mary's Fearful Note
Mary's Fear
- PROBATE INJUSTICE, Connecticut, United States
- Expose some of the corruption, cover-ups, and other injustice, by the criminals, in black robes, and their accomplices. Another hate Klan a secret society organized to reassert supremacy by injustice. The PCJ known as the Probate Court Judges.
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ReplyDeleteOur mission is to help others, who have been wronged by a Connecticut Probate Judge. The State of Connecticut has some very good Probate Judges but it also has some very bad ones. If you truly believe that a Connecticut Probate Judge has violated your rights in any way, I would like to know about it.
Connecticut Probate Advocates
Working to influence positive change in an antiquated and sometimes corrupt Probate system.
I added your website to my blog http://testament-justice.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeleteProbate Judge Matthew H. Greene, confiscated the assets of an account that was, Joint Tenants with right of survivor-ship,which does not have to go through probate. This was an illegal action by him that caused great financial hardship. He then dispersed huge payouts to various lawyers. He is nor more than a thief. Attorneys seemed to be afraid to rock the boat and capsize him.