(Name and some information omitted, on blog, to protect source) Original is available)
June 21, 2009
New London Probate Court
P O B 148
New London, Ct 06320-0148
Attention: The Honorable Judge Greene
Re: Death of Mary Gennotti
Knowing the past history of my (relation omitted) Mary Gennotti I feel compelled to inform the court of one of the worst kinds of betrayal and fraud that is being presented concerning the death and will of Mary Gennotti.
Mary died 27th of March 2009 in the Kindred Nursing Home in New London, Ct. The cause of death was Glioblastoma Neoplasia @ Temparallous, interval for months and degenerative dementia, for years One month before her death a marriage was performed by Shirley Alloway between Frank Gennotti and Mary Gennotti. Mary was not even aware enough or well enough to sign her name. An "X" was in place of her signature.
A clerk of the Records Office of the New London City Hall, not a qualified medical person is the one that signed that Mary was of sound mind. It is extremely doubtful that Mary was aware of what was happening to her because until she was forced into seclusion by her daughter Ann Teft, Mary never wanted to be in the same room as her daughter Ann or former husband, Frank Gennotti, much less re-married to him.
In December of 1988 her daughter Ann was not allowed unsupervised visits when Mary was in the hospital after an automobile accident. The reason for the supervised visits was because Ann had exhibited violence toward her mother in the hospital. Several months before the accident Ann had held a loaded gun against her mother's head and threatened to kill her.
Mary knew that within a few months of her leaving the hospital her husband Frank was having an affair with Josephine (last name omitted) of Elm Street in New London, CT and this was before the divorce was final. He was well known as a womanizer and a thief.
Mary was also afraid of her husband Frank Gennotti to the point of having a restraining order against him. The restraining order did not stop him from trying to break into her home. Even though the police were called when he was caught trying to break into Mary's house, nothing was done about it. Frank was on the New London Police Department and was protected by the "blue brotherhood". After that happened, she went to live next door with her brother and mother Robert and Josephine.
Mary not only divorced her husband in 1990 she also would have nothing to do with her daughter Ann. For a couple of years prior to 1988 Mary started proceedings for divorce. She was adamant about not wanting to live with her husband. She even slept on the couch to avoid him. Two of the reasons she not longer wanted to be associated with him was because of his cheating on her with other women. He not only had been having affairs with other women (Millie (Last name omitted)was another one of his conquests), he also harassed other female relatives, including Mary's (name omitted) who had to call her father,to get him away from her house. He also harassed many of the women in our family, including me. The other reason Mary did not want anything to do with Frank Gennotti was because of his stealing. She was afraid they were going to lose his pension and be disgraced if and when he was caught. Mary not only divorced her husband in 1990 she also would have nothing to do with her daughter Ann who was upset about the divorce and made her mother's life miserable, whenever she was around.
I visited them often in the home and for a substantial length of time went there for lunch on a daily basis. During these visits Mary would tell me about her feelings toward her daughter and ex-husband, including all of the above facts. It always was all negative to the point of not even wanting to see photos of either of them.
After Mary went to live with the family she literally begged her son Robert Joseph to come and live in her house. The house that her father and her brothers Robert, and Melvin,Jr. built and gave to Mary when she originally married Frank Gennotti.
Mary wanted to make sure that neither her ex-husband nor her daughter Ann, nor her son Frank, Jr. would be able to take any part of that house after her death, so she signed it over to her youngest child, Robert Joseph Gennotti. He and his fiance gave up a lovely condo and went to live in the house on Summer Street to be near his mother, who was still living next door with her mother and brother.
In August of 2003 Mary's son Frank, Jr. came from Florida for a visit. Mary called him and he invited his mother to go out to dinner. When Mary left with Frank, Jr. she said she would be back in a couple of hours, she was just going to dinner. A few hours later Frank, Jr. returned and said his mother was going to stay with his girlfriend on Perry Street and she needed some personal items. The next day he came with a pickup truck and said his mother was going to stay with his girl friend for awhile. He even took the TV. Mary's brother took photos of a lot of the things he took.
After that no one heard from Mary. None of her family (mother, brothers, sister) nor any of her first cousins ever saw or spoke with her. When inquiries were made we were told she was living in a trailer and did not want to see anyone. We all knew that could not be true because Mary was always afraid to stay alone and would never choose to do so, especially not in a trailer. In the meantime, Frank, Jr. was threatening to kill his brother Robert Joseph because his name was on the house and various financial accounts of Mary's.
When Mary's mother Josephine died on May 7, 2005,1 called Ann Teft's house to let them know of the death. When I told Mary, she told me she did not care and would not be going to the wake or funeral. Her mother was nothing to her and she was not interested. I expressed surprise at her attitude because I was very much aware of the loving relationship between Mary and her mother. Mary always had expressed her deep gratitude to her mother and brother for keeping her safe, happy and involved in a loving family relationship, since that was not possible with three members of her immediate family. She again told me her mother was nothing to her and she was not interested. I then told her I did not believe that and I wanted to know who was telling her to say such terrible things. As soon as I said this, Ann started yelling at me, saying that no one was telling her mother what to say, none of them were interested in anything to do with the (omitted) family. It was obvious that Ann was listening to the conversation and strongly objected to my question. The phone was not given back to Mary before being hung up. There was no answer when I tried to call back.
Several years prior to Mary's being taken by her daughter Ann Teft, and while Mary was of sound mind, she had a Will made with her attorney. There was no doubt as to the legality of the document or its contents. That is the Will that needs to be honored as Mary Gennotti's Last Will and Testament.
I truly believe that the stress and fear of being forced to live with her daughter Ann Teft added to Mary's dementia and development of a brain tumor. I truly believe that a new Will was made after Mary was no longer in control of her own mind, and the re-marriage to her ex-husband, just before her death, was arranged without her knowledge or consent.
The purpose of this letter is to create enough doubt for an investigation to take place. If that happens, I am sure the original Will will be considered to be Mary's final wishes.
If you have any questions, or if I can furnish any other information, please feel free to call me at either of the above telephone numbers.
Very truly yours,
(Name omitted on blog)
Mary's Fearful Note
Mary's Fear
- PROBATE INJUSTICE, Connecticut, United States
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